Obtaining a license for TRM4

This web page contains detailed instructions on how to obtain a license for TRM4. It also presents a short summary of the corresponding license agreement.

TRM4 is a software for the assessment of imager performance, which is developed for the German government. The range performances calculated by TRM4 can be used to compare the performance of different imagers. This makes TRM4 an important software for companies to determine the performances of their imagers. To provide companies with a validated software for range performance calculations, TRM4 is distributed for free. Nevertheless, there are several restrictions to its use:

  1. It is not allowed to pass on TRM4 to third parties.
  2. Immediate results from the software may not be used for consultation of companies, institutions, and governments outside NATO and Switzerland without prior written consent of Fraunhofer IOSB.
  3. Consultation services using TRM4 or immediate results obtained with the goal of financial gain are not permitted without prior written consent of Fraunhofer IOSB; in cases where permission is granted, Fraunhofer IOSB may negotiate an appropriate license fee.

If you comply with these requirements, please send an email to trm-license@iosb.fraunhofer.de together with an informal letter explaining who you are and what you will use TRM4 for. After checking the prerequisites, we will then send you the license agreement. Please fill in the name of your contact person and sign the license agreement. Whenever a new version of TRM4 is available or when we are preparing a training course, we will inform your contact person via email.

In a next step, you need to send a digitally signed license agreement to the email address mentioned above.

We will send you the countersigned license agreement and the information for the download of the TRM4 software and the corresponding documentation.

Further information


TRM4 training courses

Fraunhofer IOSB offers training courses for TRM4 on a regular basis. These courses are intended for TRM4 beginners and consist of lectures and hands-on exercises.


Customized TRM4 Batch Module


Range performance model TRM4


Scene and sensor simulation

Would you like to learn more about our projects and competences in the field of modelling and simulation of imagers? Then visit the page of the research group Scene and sensor simulation.


Do you have questions about our research topic or are you interested in a collaboration? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to support you with our competences.


Department Optronics

You want to learn more about our projects and specific competences in the field of optronics?