Business units

Our business units are the hubs where we concentrate our expertise according to application domains. They provide solutions, services and products tailored to the needs of their specific markets.

Whether you represent industry, SMEs, authorities or trade associations - don't hesitate to contact us, if interested. We look forward to cooperating with you in shaping the future of your business.

Read more about ways of cooperating with our institute here.


Automation and Digitalization

Customized IT for networked production ecosystems


Energy, Environmental and Security Systems

From sensor data to intelligent services


Inspection and Optronic Systems

Quality assurance and productivity increase through industrial image processing


Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems

From fundamental questions to embodied AI



Expertise in analysis and evaluation, contract research and technological innovation

Focus topics


Maritime technologies

The maritime sector is not an official business unit anchored in the institute's structure, but it is a cross-cutting topic of many of Fraunhofer IOSB's activities, and many of our competences can be leveraged for this specific market.


Smart Farming

How can we ensure that everyone has access to high-quality food? And how can we organize food production in a way that also meets ecological requirements? We work with you to develop the digitized and sustainable agriculture of the future.