Projects and products

Adaptive optics

In the Adaptive Optics research group, we deal with imaging, surveillance, and laser communication systems on horizontal optical transmission links through the Earth's atmosphere. We develop simulations, design theoretical models, and implement both image processing algorithms and complete Adaptive Optics (AO) systems.


Atmosphere optics


Measurement of optical turbulence


Atmosphere optics


Vertical turbulence measurement

Signature rating


Influence of the atmosphere on the thermal image


Living Sparkle


BRDF - Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function


Signature rating

Warning sensors

The research group deals with innovative (warning) sensor technology for the civil and military sector. Für den Schutz von Personen, Plattformen und Gebäuden sowie die Überwachung von Anlagen oder Grenzen ist elektro-optische Sensorik ein wichtiger Baustein für die Früherkennung und Warnung. Entsprechende Systeme müssen zuverlässig, autonom und möglichst ohne Falschalarme arbeiten. In order to meet a wide range of requirements, issues from the ultraviolet to the infrared spectral range are addressed. The areas of sensor technology for detection, signatures of objects, threats and backgrounds as well as atmospheric influences on the performance of systems are highlighted. In addition to interdisciplinary expertise, the group has extensive measurement equipment and laboratories to characterize threats (e.g., propulsion signatures of missiles). The knowledge of specific electro-optical properties of objects is the basis for the conception, development and evaluation of warning systems and indispensable for the execution of simulations and the creation of models. The regular organization of and participation in measurement campaigns on a national and international scale serves to collect signature data and effects as well as to validate models. Do you need advice or help? Do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to support you!


Night Sky Brightness


Satellite-based missile early warning


Sniper detection


UV sensor technology