We optimize the performance of electro-optical systems

Signatorics Department (SIG)

The Signatorics Department is specialized in the optimization of the performance of electro-optical systems and in technology for the evaluation and management of signatures in the atmosphere.

Our research focuses on warning sensors, adaptive optics, evaluation and management of optical signatures and the optics of the atmosphere. We characterize the environment to better understand its interaction with system performance and are experts in atmospheric light propagation. We identify adverse effects on systems operating within the UV to the IR spectral bands and develop hardware and software to overcome these effects. Our expertise in multispectral threat signatures enables us to design, evaluate and optimize innovative sensor technology. We research and develop techniques to minimize the own signature (camouflage) and generate false signals (bait).

Our expertise is used in both civil and military applications. We develop innovative approaches, driven by advances in detector technology, to warn against projectiles and missiles. In addition, we design sensors for satellite-based surveillance systems and conduct field tests with passive and active sensors in maritime and terrestrial environments. Furthermore, we develop measurement methods and devices as well as innovative systems of adaptive optics with applications in both sensor technology and laser communication. With our laboratory and field measurement equipment we can determine optical materials and system properties in the entire spectral range.


Field tests based on our own ground-, sea- and airborne sensor systems and measurement techniques are an important aspect of our work. On our test rig for adaptive optics we can simulate and correct atmospheric turbulences. In our underwater turbulence laboratory we conduct experiments with exotic states of light propagation in the water, which are used in covert underwater communication. We also operate a robot-controlled setup for the automatic measurement of bidirectional reflection distribution functions (BRDF). Finally, in our environmental simulation laboratory, we can take into account solar radiation, sky cover and crosswind when evaluating signatures.

Projects and Products


Adaptive optics

Our research activities revolve around propagation of optical waves through random media, such as atmosphere or water, as well as free-space optical communications. 


Optics of the atmosphere

A necessary subject area for all research areas of the department is the investigation of the impact of the atmosphere on electro-optical systems.


Warning sensors

The research focus in the field of warning sensors includes the characterization of the environment and background as well as the acquisition of information about potential threat signatures. 


Signature evaluation

We work in the field of optical signature management for civil and military objects, systems and persons.


Interested in a cooperation?

Are you interested in a cooperation with our department or do you have questions about our current research topics? Then get in touch with us! 



All publications of the Signatory Department.



We are always looking for motivated and creative minds, whether you are a student at the beginning of your career, a graduate looking for the ideal start to your professional life, or a professional looking to take on new challenges.