Fraunhofer IOSB researches and develops high-power solid-state lasers based on crystals doped with rare earth ions (Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+) as well as nonlinear light sources based on nonlinear optical converter materials such as ZGP (ZnGeP2), CSP (CdSiP2) or oriented grown gallium arsenide (OP-GaAs) covering the spectral range from shortwave to longwave infrared from 1.5 µm to 12 µm. Such light sources can be used in a wide range of technological applications, for example in the fields of molecular spectroscopy, LIDAR, free-beam optical communications, remote sensing and optronic countermeasures against heat-seeking missiles, or as high-energy lasers.
We are represented at the LASER trade fair with two projects:
- High-power fiber lasers in the short-wavelength to long-wavelength infrared spectral range
At Fraunhofer IOSB, high-power 2 µm fiber lasers and 3-8 µm MWIR OPO and their components are researched and developed for specific customer applications. These sources enable e.g. new applications in medical technology, environmental analytics, material processing and defense.
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- Solid state laser with high power and high pulse energy
A core competence of IOSB in this context is to achieve the best beam quality as well as robust and compact laser designs with reliable and trouble-free operation at high average power or high pulse energy over a long lifetime, even under particularly challenging environmental conditions.
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