Brief description of the project
On January 31, Fraunhofer IOSB and the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld have published a guideline, which gives scientists an orientation in dealing with data protection in projects with human-machine interaction.
Observing human beings and their actions is a mandatory requirement for many research fields. For example, various personal data are processed in the Smart Home, in medical technology or in interactive robotics. At the same time, the question of how data protection can be implemented in research projects has gained significant importance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU-GDPR). As an example, it is important to consider how personal data can be protected in future research and development projects with human-machine interaction and also, what legal regulations must be taken into account in research projects that collect data with volunteering test persons?
GUIDELines for data protection compliance
In order to answer these research questions, Fraunhofer IOSB and the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld have developed guidelines on the typical data protection tasks that arise in funded Research and Development projects in human-technology interaction. GUIDE was developed in close cooperation with VDI/VDE Innovation + Technology GmbH and was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
In GUIDE, the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (FH Bielefeld) has contributed the legal dimension of research on human-technology interactions. This is complemented by Fraunhofer IOSB's technical expertise in implementing data protection measures to protect affected persons (e.g. with Privacy by Design or Privacy by Default). The GUIDELines thus combine the legal and technical perspectives of both research partners and were completed with best-practice examples from current and past research projects.
Project result
The developed guidelines on data protection were published in the GUIDELines in order to give future Research and Development projects specific recommendations for recurring data protection tasks. GUIDE helps to create legal certainty in applied research and to protect data during processing of their personal data. The results of GUIDE, including the created GUIDELines, can be found on our official project website www.guide-projekt.de.