Contact Fair / October 24, 2022 - October 28, 2022, 10:00-16:00
CareerContacts 2022: Company contact fair of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
The CareerContacts company contact fair offers students the opportunity to get in touch with companies from Karlsruhe and the surrounding area. The focus is on direct contact. The booths in Building B invite all participants to have a personal conversation with the exhibitors.
Around 80 companies can be found on the four event days. Each day has a different thematic study focus. On October 26, it is the faculties of electrical engineering and information technology, information management and media, mechanical engineering and mechatronics, economics, computer science and business informatics. Fraunhofer IOSB is together with Fraunhofer ISI and ICT and on Wednesday the 26.10. for you there!
The fair job wall shows all current job offers of the participating companies for internships, theses, working student jobs or even jobs for career entry.