Description of the project
Against the background of the requirements from numerous applications in the mega trend topic "Internet of Things", the Fraunhofer IOSB decided to develop a server for the Starndard SensorThingsAPI. The objective was to achieve high performance with low resource consumption and an openness that facilitates usability both in the research environment and in commercial applications.
Performance with low resource consumption and an openness that facilitates usability in both the research environment and commercial applications. The desire for openness led to the decision to design the implementation as open source software right from the start, in order to make the way as free as possible for innovation. The result is the FROST®-Server. The name is an acronym and stands for "Fraunhofer Open Source SensorThings API Server". But the name is also intended to suggest that your data is kept "fresh and available"
Meanwhile, the "SensorThings API" is recommended by the European Commission as "Good Practice" for the deployment of measurement data according to the INSPIRE guidelines: “OGC SensorThings API as an INSPIRE download service”
- Based on SensorThings API, an OGC standard (OGC is one of the most important international standardisation bodies for spatial data)
- High performance
- Low consumption of resources
- Open Source -> Full transparency of the software (we have nothing to hide), openness to user extensions (things we didn't think about or which are not so important for us), open availability of the software guarantees long-term availability and enables strategic decisions (even if we don't feel like it anymore, a user can continue to maintain FROST® by himself)
- Open Source: Find the FROST® GitHub Repository here