Short description of the project
The main research at the IOSB is the monitoring of the robot's environment. This task includes both close-range monitoring, to detect suddenly occurring threats that are located at a short distance from the robot, and long-range monitoring, where a larger time horizon and a larger distance range is considered, in which threats are to be detected and predicted. Especially the detection of stationary and moving obstacles in unstructured environments is of interest for the robot's path planning. In order to ensure the highest possible safety, the monitoring concept merges the information from different types of sensors. Sensors mounted on the mobile robot as well as sensors permanently installed in the room are used for this purpose.
Project goals
The developed methods are demonstrated in three application cases. In two industrial application examples a mobile robot with manipulator will perform its manufacturing tasks in a common workspace with humans and other robots. In addition, the robot will work in direct physical contact with a human. In a hospital application, a robot will assist during operations.