The Challenge
SM4RTENANCE will facilitate a neutral cross-sectorial data space for the manufacturing industry, where data can be provided by the different stakeholders, services provider, manufacturer, OEM customer, interacting along the complete asset lifecycle to operate maintenance services. The key task is the federation of sector-specific data spaces utilizing different technology stacks.
Objectives of the project
Fraunhofer IOSB is tasked with the integration of reactive, data-sovereign digital twins based on the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) to enable interoperability in a neutral cross-sector data space. With the Fraunhofer Advanced Asset Administration Shell Tools for Digital Twins (FA³ST) an open-source solution is deployed to operate reactive digital twins. The integration into standardized data spaces like the International Data Spaces (IDS) is taken into account to promote secure data-sovereign sharing of product and production data.
Results so far
Fraunhofer IOSB proposes an approach to simplify the sharing of AAS data with the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC) to support data integration in data spaces. The EDC is a open-source reference implementation of the IDS connector specification and is deployed for all data providers and data consumers. We are developing an AAS-specific data plane for the EDC to enable AAS interactions like Events, Operations and advanced data processing.