Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg

The test track on which autonomous cars will drive.
The test track on which autonomous cars will drive.

Brief description of the project

Autonomous cars still look like the distant future and the product of a science fiction scenario. In Baden-Württemberg however, autonomous cars will soon become part of everyday life. Since 2018, the "Test Area Autonomous Driving" initiative, funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport, has enabled companies to test their autonomous vehicles in real traffic.

Project goals

In order to be able to analyze these tests, a wide-ranging sensor system must be installed in the test field. After installation, Karlsruhe Transport Authority (KVV) control room will take over operations. The test field extends from Karlsruhe to Bruchsal and Heilbronn, since all types of traffic environments are to be covered, both urban and rural situations, as well as multi-level car parks, residential areas and motorways. The public does not have to fear negative effects from the tests. Autonomously driving cars will still have a person sitting at the wheel for safety reasons, who can intervene in case of an emergency.

Fraunhofer IOSB is responsible for data protection in the project. In order to make the project as transparent as possible, the IOSB will provide an initial point of contact for information on the equipment and characteristics of the test track. In addition, a part of the measured data will be visualized live in a 3D map to exlain the data processing to the public.

Learn more about networked and autonomous driving here.

Project partners

Fraunhofer IOSB with

  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung
  • FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
  • Hochschule Heilbronn
  • Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft (HsKA)
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
  • Stadt Heilbronn
  • Stadt Karlsruhe
  • Stadt und Region Bruchsal

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More information

on the project Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg: