Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 | Visual Cross-view Geolocalization Fervers, Florian |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Utilizing Dataset Affinity Prediction in Object Detection to Assess Training Data Becker, Stefan; Bayer, Jens; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2024 | The K-functional and reiteration theorems for left and right spaces, Part I Doktorski, Leo; Fernández-Martínez, Pedro; Signes, Teresa |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | The K-functional and reiteration theorems for Left and Right spaces, Part II Doktorski, Leo; Fernández-Martínez, Pedro; Signes, Teresa |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | On the spaces introduced by N. K. Karapetyants and B. S. Rubin, and their connection with Lorentz-Zygmund spaces Doktorski, Leo |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | Object detection in the thermal infrared spectral range by diffusion model based domain adaptation of the training data Münch, David; Bayer, Jens; Becker, Stefan; Birke, Kevin; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2024 | Automatic methods for distribution of data-parallel programs on multi-device heterogeneous platforms Moren, Konrad |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2024 | Statewide Visual Geolocalization in the Wild Fervers, Florian; Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Stiefelhagen, Rainer |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Center point-based feature representation for tracking Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Measuring timing properties of thermal infrared cameras Schatz, Volker |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Detektion, Verfolgung und Posenschätzung von Personen im urbanen Straßenverkehr mit mobilen Multisensorsystemen Borgmann, Björn |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2023 | Physiological iodine uptake of the spine’s bone marrow in dual-energy computed tomography - using artificial intelligence to define reference values based on 678 CT examinations of 189 individuals Fervers, Philipp; Fervers, Florian; Rinneburger, Miriam; Weisthoff, Mathilda; Kottlors, Jonathan; Reimer, Robert; Zopfs, David; Çeli̇k, Erkan; Maintz, David; Große-Hokamp, Nils; Persigehl, Thorsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Some examples of equivalent rearrangement‐invariant quasi‐norms defined via ƒ∗ or ƒ∗∗ Doktorski, Leo; Fernández‐Martínez, Pedro; Signes, Teresa |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Few-parameter learning for a hierarchical perceptual grouping system Michaelsen, Eckart |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Companion Paper: Deep Saliency Map Generators for Multispectral Video Classification Bayer, Jens; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Nikol’skii-type inequalities for entire functions of exponential type in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces Doktorski, Leo R.Ya. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Physiologische Jodaufnahme des Knochenmarks der Wirbelsäule in der Dual-Energy-CT - Referenzwerte auf der Grundlage von 11.286 segmentierten Wirbelkörpern Fervers, P.; Fervers, Florian; Rinneburger, M.; Weisthoff, M.; Kottlors, J.; Reimer, R.; Zopfs, D.; Celik, E.; Maintz, D.; Große Hokamp, N.; Persigehl, T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Eigenpatches - Adversarial Patches from Principal Components Bayer, Jens; Becker, Stefan; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | The multispectral mid-wave infrared (MWIR) camera payload of nanosatellite ERNST Schäfer, Frank; Schimmerohn, Martin; Horch, Clemens; Ledford, Noah; Schäfer, Konstantin; Maue, Thorsten; Weber, Mike; Busch, Stephan; Kappe, Konstantin; Hoschke, Klaus; Schweitzer, Caroline; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Uncertainty-Aware Vision-Based Metric Cross-View Geolocalization Fervers, Florian; Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Stiefelhagen, Rainer |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Bézier Curve Gaussian Processes Hug, Ronny; Becker, Stefan; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael; Beyerer, Jürgen |
Paper |
2022 | Iterator-Based Design of Generic C++ Algorithms for Basic Tensor Operations Bassoy, Cem Savas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | GraphCL: A Framework for Execution of Data-Flow Graphs on Multi-Device Platforms Moren, Konrad; Göhringer, Diana |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Probabilistic Parametric Curves for Sequence Modeling Hug, Ronny |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Mobile Lidar Scanning in Dynamic Urban Environments: Challenges and Applications Hebel, Marcus; Borgmann, Björn; Gehrung, Joachim; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Feasibility of artificial intelligence-supported assessment of bone marrow infiltration using dual-energy computed tomography in patients with evidence of monoclonal protein - a retrospective observational study Fervers, P.; Fervers, Florian; Lohneis, P.; Pollman-Schweckhors, P.; Zaytoun, H.; Rinneburger, M.; Maintz, D.; Große Hokamp, N. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Composition and Symmetries - Computational Analysis of Fine-Art Aesthetics Zhuravleva, Olga A.; Komarov, Andrei V.; Zherdev, Denis A.; Savkhalova, Natalie B.; Demina, Anna L.; Michaelsen, Eckart; Nikonorov, Artem V.; Nesterov, Alexander Y. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | APMD: Adversarial Pixel Masking Derivative for multispectral object detectors Bayer, Jens; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Drone detection, recognition, and assistance system for counter-UAV with VIS, radar, and radio sensors Müller, Thomas; Widak, Heiko; Kollmann, Matthias; Buller, Aleksej; Sommer, Lars Wilko; Spraul, Raphael; Kröker, Alexander; Kaufmann, Ilja; Zube, Angelika; Segor, Florian; Perschke, Thomas; Lindner, Alina; Tchouchenkov, Igor |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors Fervers, Florian; Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Stiefelhagen, Rainer |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Change detection in point clouds of urban street spaces using fuzzy spatial reasoning Gehrung, Joachim |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2022 | Assessment of COVID-19 lung involvement on computed tomography by deep-learning-, threshold-, and human reader-based approaches - an international, multi-center comparative study Fervers, Philipp; Fervers, Florian; Jaiswal, Astha; Rinneburger, Miriam; Weisthoff, Mathilda; Pollmann-Schweckhorst, Philip; Kottlors, Jonathan; Carolus, Heike; Lennartz, Simon; Maintz, David; Shahzad, Rahil; Persigehl, Thorsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Improving Semantic Image Segmentation via Label Fusion in Semantically Textured Meshes Fervers, Florian; Breuer, Timo; Stachowiak, Gregor; Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Extraction and matching of 3D features for LiDAR-based self-localization in an urban environment Hammer, Marcus; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Dual-Energy CT, Virtual Non-Calcium Bone Marrow Imaging of the Spine: An AI-Assisted, Volumetric Evaluation of a Reference Cohort with 500 CT Scans Fervers, Philipp; Fervers, Florian; Weisthoff, Mathilda; Rinneburger, Miriam; Zopfs, David; Reimer, Robert Peter; Pahn, Gregor; Kottlors, Jonathan; Maintz, David; Lennartz, Simon; Persigehl, Thorsten; Große Hokamp, Nils |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Deep Saliency Map Generators for Multispectral Video Classification Bayer, Jens; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Designing and Evaluating a Fusion of Visible and Infrared Spectrum Video Streams for Remote Tower Operations Reuschling, Fabian; Papenfuss, Anne; Jakobi, Jörn; Rambau, Tim; Michaelsen, Eckart; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2022 | Change detection in street environments based on mobile laser scanning Gehrung, Joachim; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Revisiting Click-Based Interactive Video Object Segmentation Vujasinovic, Stéphane; Bullinger, Sebastian; Becker, Stefan; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Stiefelhagen, Rainer |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Generating Versatile Training Samples for UAV Trajectory Prediction Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael; Morris, Brendan T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Self-calibration of time-based localization systems in noisy environments with nonlinear optimization Sidorenko, Juri |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2021 | Information Acquisition on Pedestrian Movements in Urban Traffic with a Mobile Multi-Sensor System Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Some Reiteration Theorems for R, L, RR, RL, LR, and LL Limiting Interpolation Spaces Doktorski, Leo R. Ya |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | A Photogrammetry-based Framework to Facilitate Image-based Modeling and Automatic Camera Tracking Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | CoopCL: A Framework for Cooperative Execution of Data-parallel Kernels on Multi-device Platforms Moren, Konrad; Göhringer, Diana |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Generating Synthetic Training Data for Deep Learning-Based UAV Trajectory Prediction Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael; Morris, Brendan T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Quantifying the Complexity of Standard Benchmarking Datasets for Long-Term Human Trajectory Prediction Hug, Ronny; Becker, Stefan; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | A comparison of deep saliency map generators on multispectral data in object detection Bayer, Jens; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | SET-260: A Measurement Campaign for EO/IR Signatures of UAVs Borghgraef, A.; Châteauneuf, M.; Gagné, G.; Hansen, S.; Christnacher, F.; Prioul, J.-C.; Hespel, L.; Hebel, Marcus; Rodrigez Artolazabal, J.A.; Benoist, K.; Hollander, R. den |
Vortrag Presentation |
2021 | Handling Missing Observations with an RNN-based Prediction-Update Cycle Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael; Morris, Brendan T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | On the Depth of Gestalt Hierarchies in Common Imagery Michaelsen, Eckart |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Image-Based Out-of-Distribution-Detector Principles on Graph-Based Input Data in Human Action Recognition Bayer, Jens; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | LiDAR-based localization and automatic control of UAVs for mobile remote reconnaissance Hammer, Marcus; Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | DecaWave ultra-wideband warm-up error correction Sidorenko, Juri; Schatz, Volker; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Efficient Tour Planning for a Measurement Vehicle by Combining Next Best View and Traveling Salesman Gehrung, Joachim; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Analysis of Explainers of Black Box Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision: A Survey Buhrmester, Vanessa; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Explorations on the Depth of Gestalt Hierarchies in Social Imagery Michaelsen, Eckart |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | 3D Surface Reconstruction from Multi-Date Satellite Images Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | The MODISSA testbed: A multi-purpose platform for the prototypical realization of vehicle-related applications using optical sensors Borgmann, Björn; Schatz, Volker; Hammer, Marcus; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | MissFormer: (In-)Attention-Based Handling of Missing Observations for Trajectory Filtering and Prediction Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael; Morris, Brendan Tran |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Change Detection and Deformation Analysis based on Mobile Laser Scanning Data of Urban Areas Gehrung, Joachim; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | CoopCL: Cooperative Execution of OpenCL Programs on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Platforms Moren, Konrad; Göhringer, Diana |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | TUM-MLS-2016: An Annotated Mobile LiDAR Dataset of the TUM City Campus for Semantic Point Cloud Interpretation in Urban Areas Zhu, Jingwei; Gehrung, Joachim; Huang , Rong; Borgmann, Björn; Hoegner, Ludwig; Zhenghao, Sun; Hebel, Marcus; XU, Yusheng; Stilla, Uwe |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Reiteration Formulae for the Real Interpolation Method Including L or R Limiting Spaces Doktorski, Leo R. Ya |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Context Sensitivity of Spatio-Temporal Activity Detection using Hierarchical Deep Neural Networks in Extended Videos Hertlein, Felix; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Self-Calibration for the Time-of-Arrival Positioning Sidorenko, Juri; Schatz, Volker; Bulatov, Dimitri; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Nikol'skii-Type Inequalities for Trigonometric Polynomials for Lorentz-Zygmund Spaces Doktorski, Leo R. Ya |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Introducing Probabilistic Bézier Curves for N-Step Sequence Prediction Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Extrinsic self-calibration of an operational mobile LiDAR system Diehm, Axel; Gehrung, Joachim; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | General Movement Assessment from videos of computed 3D infant body models is equally effective compared to conventional RGB video rating Schroeder, Sebastian A.; Hesse, Nikolas; Weinberger, Raphael; Tacke, Uta; Gerstl, Lucia; Hilgendorff, Anne; Heinen, Florian; Arens, Michael; Dijkstra, Linze J.; Pujades Rocamora, Sergi; Black, Michael J.; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Hadders-Algra, Minja |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Foreword for the Special Issue on Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Shan, Jie; Michaelsen, Eckart; Stilla, Uwe; Su, Fenzhen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | A Short Note on Analyzing Sequence Complexity in Trajectory Prediction Benchmarks Hug, Ronny; Becker, Stefan; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation |
2020 | Designing a fusion of visible and infra-red camera streams for remote tower operations Papenfuss, Anne; Reuschling, Fabian; Jakobi, Jörn; Rambau, Tim; Michaelsen, Eckart; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Sparse Mls Point Clouds Using a Neural Network and Voting-Based Approach Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael; Stilla, Uwe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | A complementary trajectory prediction benchmark Hug, Ronny; Becker, Stefan; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Self-Calibration for the Time Difference of Arrival Positioning Sidorenko, Juri; Schatz, Volker; Bulatov, Dimitri; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects Using Instance-Aware Multibody Structure from Motion Bullinger, Sebastian |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Image based classification of small flying objects detected in LiDAR point clouds Hammer, Marcus; Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | A multi-sensorial approach for the protection of operational vehicles by detection and classification of small flying objects Hammer, Marcus; Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Dynamic Switching State Systems for Visual Tracking Becker, Stefan |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Error corrections for ultra-wideband ranging Sidorenko, Juri; Schatz, Volker; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Integration of the 3D Environment for UAV Onboard Visual Object Tracking Vujasinovic, Stéphane; Becker, Stefan; Breuer, Timo; Bullinger, Sebastian; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Dynamic Switching State Systems for Visual Tracking Becker, Stefan |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2020 | Learning and Tracking the 3D Body Shape of Freely Moving Infants from RGB-D sequences Hesse, Nikolas; Pujadis, Sergi; Black, Michael J.; Arens, Michael; Hofmann, Ulrich; Schroeder, Sebastian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Computer Vision for Medical Infant Motion Analysis: State of the Art and RGB-D Data Set Hesse, Nikolas; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Hofmann, Ulrich G.; Weinberger, Raphael; Schroeder, Sebastian A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Design of a High-Performance Tensor-Vector Multiplication with BLAS Bassoy, Cem |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | An RNN-Based IMM Filter Surrogate Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Automated license plate detection for image anonymization Peter, Rebekka; Grosselfinger, Ann-Kristin; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | UAV detection, tracking, and classification by sensor fusion of a 360° lidar system and an alignable classification sensor Hammer, Marcus; Borgmann, Björn; Hebel, Marcus; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | RED: A simple but effective Baseline Predictor for the TrajNet Benchmark Becker, Stefan; Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Estimating Efforts and Success of Symmetry-Seeing Machines by Use of Synthetic Data Michaelsen, Eckart; Vujasinovic, Stéphane |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | An architecture for automatic multimodal video data anonymization to ensure data protection Grosselfinger, Ann-Kristin; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Augmentation techniques for video surveillance in the visible and thermal spectral range Buhrmester, Vanessa; Grosselfinger, Ann-Kristin; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Modeling continuous-time stochastic processes using N-Curve mixtures Hug, Ronny; Hübner, Wolfgang; Arens, Michael |
Paper |
2019 | Fusion of time of arrival and time difference of arrival for ultra-wideband indoor localization Sidorenko, Juri; Schatz, Volker; Scherer-Negenborn, Norbert; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | RNN-based Prediction of Pedestrian Turning Maneuvers Becker, Stefan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Evaluating the Impact of Color Information in Deep Neural Networks Buhrmester, Vanessa; Münch, David; Bulatov, Dimitri; Arens, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Unique 4-DOF Relative Pose Estimation with Six Distances for UWB/V-SLAM-Based Devices Molina Martel, Francisco; Sidorenko, Juri; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Hugentobler, Urs |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Investigation on Combining 3D Convolution of Image Data and Optical Flow to Generate Temporal Action Proposals Schlosser, Patrick; Münch, David; Arens, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation |
2019 | 3D Object Trajectory Reconstruction using Instance-Aware Multibody Structure from Motion and Stereo Sequence Constraints Bullinger, Sebastian; Bodensteiner, Christoph; Arens, Michael; Stiefelhagen, Rainer |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica