CSD Data and information distribution

Intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance in civil and military environments often require the collaboration of different organizations and/or domains and thus the usage of different systems and services. In multinational operations, data exchange must be possible between different nations with different access rights. Security and data protection regulations must be observed. The integration of data provided by sensor, exploitation and analysis systems into a common operational picture is often difficult due to incompatibilities of interfaces, data formats and information models. To solve this problem, a concept for the appropriate distribution of data was developed, specified and implemented. A Coalition Shared Data (CSD) server is used for the storage, dissemination and allocation of Joint ISR products such as images, videos or exploitation reports.

Example of data and information distribution in a multinational intelligence network with CSD servers.
Retrieval of georeferenced information from a CSD server


  • Store and disseminate military intelligence data as required in accordance with the Intel Cycle (AJP 2.1) and Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) process (AJP 2.7)
  • Ensure interoperability of heterogeneous systems through use of accepted military standards
  • Connection to command, sensor, exploitation, and analysis systems
  • Providing data according to user and security requirements


Sensor and exploitation systems store relevant files and associated metadata in standardized formats (STANAGs) on a shared CSD server. The data is automatically distributed to other CSD servers in the network in a bandwidth-saving and demand-oriented manner. Exploitation, analysis and tasking systems retrieve data, enabling improved situational awareness. The CSD server's access mechanisms, data model, and interfaces are based on STANAG 4559, AEDP-17, which also enables optimal coupling with tasking (AEDP-19) and streaming (AEDP-18) services that implement other aspects of STANAG 4559. The interoperable architecture thus enables information analysis by the most appropriate system.

Fraunhofer IOSB's CSD PLUS Server software is suitable for integration into an operationally used overall system according to specific IT security and performance requirements.

Optionally, data exchange can also be realized between differently classified security domains by connecting the system to a certified security gateway.

In addition to connecting to the CSD server with own applications implementing the standard interface, the web-based CSD client ISAAC of Fraunhofer IOSB can be used for geo-referenced display, query and storage of CSD data. Furthermore, additional client libraries of Fraunhofer IOSB are available for system integration.

  • Storage and dissemination of a variety of data types (for example, video, images, reports)
  • Query and subscription based on standardized metadata
  • Interoperability through use of NATO standards (STANAGs)
  • Easy integration into an overall system through platform-independent software
  • Scalability of the solution on network and system level
  • Adaptability to different network topologies
  • On-demand and bandwidth-saving provision of reconnaissance products via WAN
  • Exchange of data according to security classification using certified procedures
  • Data protection-compliant deletion of files as needed
  • Can be combined with planning and tasking data as well as streams
  • Extensible data model enables support of additional data types (incl. metadata)

Data model

  • Support for CSD data model extensions

Data validation

  • Validation of metadata
  • Validation of related files
  • XML validation with schemas

Role-based user management

  • Different access roles and security settings for individual users
  • Use of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)


  • Hot standby functionality
  • Backup management


  • Supports logging of all system and security related data
  • Optional connection to a logging server

Monitoring and management

  • Enables administrators to visualize system status and track past events using graphical user interfaces
  • Supports easy customization of system parameters and overall configuration

Possible extensions

  • Integration of intelligence products (HUMINT, SIGINT, ELINT, MASINT)
  • Integration of further sensor types
  • Queries are supported by semantic models
  • Use of data fusion services
  • Support of domain transitions (e.g. red/black) via a security gateway using CSD-XDT

Fraunhofer IOSB also provides tools that enable the CSD import of numerous data formats. For further information, please refer to the corresponding product flyers.

  • i2exrep to the report (STANAG 3377/3596)

The list provides an overview of the read and write clients that are usually used for the CSD PLUS server. Further information can be found in the corresponding product flyers.

  • ISAAC (ISR Artifact Access Client - Web-based CSD client with map display)
  • ISAAC.lib (System integration and library)
  • ISAAC.SOA-Iib (System integration and library)
  • ISAAC.REST-lib (System integration and library)

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